Nine Critical Financial Issues To Address During Divorce

Divorce has a way of pulling the rug out from under you, even if you are the one who initiated the divorce. The adversarial nature can cause the process to be extremely expensive, and there are usually no “winners” in divorce. Splitting one household into two only multiplies the cost. However, education, planning and rational thinking can help curb the financial impact.  At such a time, knowledge about finances and avoidance of costly mistakes can be highly empowering.

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Books to Read with Your Child About Separation and Divorce

Following is a partial listing of various books specifically for children who are coping with the effects of separation and divorce. Books can help children identify and deal with the loss, anger, fear, and uncertainty that they may be experiencing and can help them understand the situation on their own level. Books can also help parents speak the words and emotions that they may have a hard time expressing clearly.

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Important Things to Consider Prior To Announcing Your Divorce to your Spouse

Divorce is a very emotional and costly process. It can cause dramatic changes in lifestyle, destroy relationships, and leave a family emotionally devastated. Take enough time to carefully consider all aspects before you make a decision that will most certainly change your life. 

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