Avoiding Financial Disaster in Divorce
By on May 06, 2016Tips to help avoid making disastrous mistakes during divorce Many couples face financial uncertainty after they divorce. This is often the result of using the same income to pay expenses to operate two households instead of one. For instance, you’re now faced with two mortgage or rent payments...
Read MoreDiscovering Your Financial Reality
By on May 06, 2016Understanding your financial situation will give you a sense of control over your life – before, during, and after divorce When contemplating divorce, most people put themselves under undue stress worrying about their financial well-being. Much of that stress is due to the fear of the unknown....
Read MorePost-Divorce Financial Pitfalls: Named Beneficiaries
By on May 06, 2016Without exception, our clients want to move on with their lives as quickly as possible after they complete the financial negotiations of their divorce. Moving on includes taking control of their own finances. There is a long list of things to do in order to take control of post-divorce finances that...
Read MoreTaking Control
By on May 06, 2016Understanding your income and expenses will help you to gain control of your finances – and life – during divorce Here’s a question for you: do you have a written, detailed, up-to-date budget detailing all your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly expenses and income? If you’re like most peopl...
Read MoreUnderstanding Spousal Support
By on May 04, 2021What you need to know right now about spousal support -- in the United States and Canada In North America, it’s the judge’s place to decide how the marital assets should be divided. By closely examining the assets of each spouse, the judge can determine if spousal support should be paid – ...
Read MoreRetirement Accounts in Divorce: Five Common Questions
By on June 19, 2016
Retirement accounts are complicated, especially in divorce. Here are some questions you may run into. 1. Can a retirement account be divided without triggering taxes? A tax-free division is possible, but each plan or account has different requirements. Before signing any agreement in divorce, consul...
Read MoreSteering Clear of Financial Landmines in Divorce
By on January 19, 2022Understanding the financial and tax implications of your options – and avoiding financial landmines – is critical in creating a settlement that will last long-term When negotiating your financial settlement, you need to know and understand the facts and your options before finalizing your set...
Read MoreMaking the Case for Spousal Support
By on May 09, 2017Many states and provinces consider your marital standard of living and your pre-divorce lifestyle as major factors in awarding spousal support. Here’s how to make sure the financial documents you create will work for you and not against you. You’re in your lawyer’s office. Your head is swir...
Read MoreTips: Avoiding Financial Traps
By on May 06, 2016Here are some tips to help you avoid some of the common financial pitfalls of divorce. Negotiate a reasonable settlement. Get some professional advice from a CDFA or CFP® to make sure you’ll be able to live with the financial terms of the settlement – now and into the future. Don’t live be...
Read MoreSurviving Financially After Divorce
By on May 06, 2016How to prepare yourself to deal with the financial realities of divorce – especially in this tough economy More often than not, the standard of living of both spouses drops in the first few years after divorce. Why? Because the same cumulative income and pool of assets now has to support two h...
Read MoreFinancial Health Check-up
By on May 06, 2016Take this short quiz to find out whether you get a clean bill of financial health – or if you require emergency care 1) Do you have life insurance? a) yes b) no c) don’t know d) through my spouse 2) In terms of 401(k)s/IRAs/RRSPs, you: a) maximize contributions every yearb) make sure you contrib...
Read MoreTop Ten Financial Errors in Divorce
By on May 06, 2016Certified Divorce Financial Analysts from across the USA share some of the worst financial mistakes they’ve seen in their practices. 1. Terminating Supposal Support when a Child Reaches the Age of Majority With the assistance of their attorneys, a divorcing couple crafted a Property Settlement A...
Read More529 Plans in Divorce: Worth a Second Look
By on June 27, 2016
When considering the financial aspects of a divorce, every asset is worth a second look. In many cases, the parties have 529 plans for their children’s college education. In most mediated settlements, the parties put the 529 plan in the children’s column and there is little discussion over which...
Read MoreTick, Tock: Impact of the New Tax Law on Alimony and Divorce
By on June 12, 2018
Getting divorced in 2018 and planning to pay or receive alimony? You may not realize it, but there’s a tax “timer” hanging over your head and the buzzer is set to go off. Current Law Based on current tax law, the payer of alimony may deduct the full amount from their taxable income which, i...
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