Ten Questions to Ask Your Divorcing Clients
By on July 26, 2017
For a financial professional in the divorce niche, the basic information to get from a new client is simple – state of residence, length of marriage, gross salary, and the like. But to truly get to know a client’s situation and needs, it is important to dig a little deeper. Here are ten question...
Read MoreTop Ten Divorce Terms to Know
By on May 17, 2016One of the many things that makes divorce such a complicated and notoriously confusing business is the array of new terms, acronyms, and phrases tossed around throughout the process. Divorce has its own language, and it is important to be able to talk the talk with family lawyers, judges, collaborat...
Read MoreDividing Property During Divorce
By on May 06, 2016When thinking about dividing property, draw four columns on a piece of paper; then follow these steps: Step 1. In the first column, list each property, whether separate or joint. Include everything you own. Step 2. In the second column, write what each property is worth next to each description....
Read MoreSafe Harbor
By on May 06, 2016Here's help navigating the financial dangers of divorce so you will reach safe harbor: a financially sound future. While you were married, you and your spouse were co-owners of a “business”: your marriage. Like any business owners, you accumulated both assets and liabilities. Maybe you bought a ...
Read MoreProtecting Your Credit Score in Divorce
By on May 06, 2016Rachel is the sort of person who plays by the rules. A stay-at-home mother of three, she has always lived within the family budget and paid bills on time. When she and her husband, Jack, split up, she followed her obligations under their divorce decree to the letter. She was therefore shocked to fin...
Read MorePrenuptial Agreements and Marriage Contracts
By on May 06, 2016If you're thinking of taking the plunge a second time, you should consider whether you need the protection of a prenuptial agreement or marriage contract. A prenuptial agreement is a contract that two parties enter into in contemplation of marriage. It can also be referred to as a “premarital ...
Read MoreCreating a Settlement or Separation Agreement
By on May 06, 2016What you need to know before creating a settlement or separation agreement You’ve sat down with your spouse and hammered out what you think is a pretty great settlement: you get to keep all of the property you really wanted, and your ex gets stuck with all of the debt. But whether or not that agre...
Read MoreNegotiating Your Future
By on May 06, 2016When you’re negotiating your divorce settlement, preparation is the key to success. Are you really ready to negotiate your future? During the course of your marriage, you accumulated both assets and liabilities. Although there are regional differences when it comes to who gets what, basically...
Read MoreSurvey: CDFA Professionals Reveal the Leading Causes of Divorce
By on May 06, 2016If you think that incompatibility, infidelity, and money issues can lead a couple straight to divorce, you might just be right. According to a recent survey of 191 CDFA professionals from across North America, the three leading causes of divorce are "basic incompatibility" (43%), "infidelity" (28...
Read MoreTop Ten Divorce Tips
By on May 06, 2016Certified Divorce Financial Analysts offer these tips to help you sidestep some common divorce-related problems 1. Copy Your Records Before your divorce, be sure to make copies of all of your financial records. Keep them in a safe place away from your spouse. These records include, but are not l...
Read MoreAdvice from a Judge
By on May 06, 2016A family court judge talks about effective preparation for court – and how to achieve results in court by utilizing all available resources Back in law school, my trial-practice professor lectured to us to always assume the judge knows nothing about the law of our cases. He advised us to “sp...
Read MoreAvoiding Common Divorce Pitfalls
By on May 06, 2016
Certified Divorce Financial Analysts offer their best tips to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes made by divorcing people. Understand your financial and emotional limits. When you understand yourself, you are better equipped to be objective. This saves time, which leads to cost sav...
Read MoreCanadian Marriage Contracts
By on May 06, 2016A marriage contract is an agreement signed before or after a wedding that provides a private and custom-made set of rules for dividing the couple’s property should they separate and divorce or die. In fact, a marriage contract can overlap in many of its functions with a Will. A cohabitation agreem...
Read MoreRetroactivity in Same-Sex Divorce: Unanswered Questions
By on July 11, 2016
When the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriages must be recognized in every state, another door opened for LGBT couples – the ability to legally divorce. But one thing not solved by Obergefell v. Hodges was how to treat assets that were held and transactions that occurred before the June 26, ...
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