The Big Freeze

Divorce creates loss- a loss of a person, loss of a planned future, loss of a perceived lifestyle, etc.  Deep emotional wounds are created and oftentimes, these wounds cause clients to experience the “Big Freeze.”

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Divorce Patience

Many of our clients wonder, how do I get through this waiting period? In this instant gratification world we live, patience could be your best friend through a divorce.

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Money and your Marriage: Are You in the Know?

Gain independence by learning about your finances.

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If You're Considering Divorce, Know Your Options with Stock Options

Digging a little deeper into common missteps so you can better understand what you need to know about stock options if you’re considering divorce.

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Don't Get Spooked by These 3 Financially Scary Divorce Situations

Divorce is scary, and rightfully so. The life you thought you had or wanted with your partner took a turn you weren’t really expecting. Here are a few frightening financial mistakes that you want to avoid.

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Recently Divorced? Tax Strategies to Save Money in 2020

Newer divorcees have a unique position to take advantage of money-saving tax strategies in 2020. Jacki Roessler turns to her collegue Matt Trujillo, CFP®, for his year-end tax tips.

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Loans to Family Members and Divorce

Going through a divorce is never pleasant and doing so during a pandemic only adds to this challenging time. But, even as COVID-19 continues to impact people and economies around the globe, the market environment arising from this crisis does offer some opportunities to explore for those facing the financial burden of divorce.

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Home Heartbreak - People Divulge the Home Details of Their Divorce

Life is full of transitions. We all remember moving out of our childhood home. For many of us, it was both a thrilling and absolutely terrifying experience. But possibly, one of the most fulfilling feelings is turning a house into a home—and a family home becomes the hot spot where so many memories are made. So how do you cope when your once happy home is filled with heartbreak? Over 90 percent of people in Western cultures will get married by the time they turn 50, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), but almost half of these marriages will end in divorce. We asked 501 people in the U.S., from ages 22 to 77, how they dealt with their divorce, who kept the marital home, and how they transitioned into a new chapter of life. Keep reading to see how divorced respondents are attempting to pick up the pieces and create happy, healthy homes.

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Can I Change My Estate Plan, Before, During or After My Divorce?

Divorce is complex, emotionally draining, and expensive!  Once complete, individuals often are tired of meeting with lawyers and do not want to take on another legal “to do”.  But the reality is that accidents and deaths occur while couples are in the process of divorce.  If you do not plan appropriately you may find your soon to be ex-spouse making decisions on your behalf or they may receive more of your estate than you would like.

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